Saturday, August 21, 2010


JAKIM's HALAL Certification
Awarded to Capville Food (M) Sdn Bhd

No. Rujukan JAKIM / JAKIM's Ref. No. :
JAKIM/(S)/(22.00)/492/2/1022- 11/2009

Halal certification benefits all consumers as it not only covers religious requirements but it also imposes strict hygiene practices. Capville Food (M) Sdn Bhd had undergone the following strict scrutiny of the qualifying steps to obtain the much respected Halal certification from Jabatan Kemanjuan Islam Malaysia / Department of Islamic Department Malaysia (JAKIM):
Document Evaluation
The evaluation of application forms and supporting documents includes a detailed analysis of the company’s profile and registration, the local authority’s license, declared ingredients, name and address of manufacturers / suppliers of ingredients, original status of Halal ingredients, packaging material, manufacturing process and procedures, and Halal certification from suppliers.

On-site Inspection
The on-site inspection of the premises has to be in accordance with those declared in the application forms and supporting documents. The site visit involves a meeting with senior officers of the company and questioning the production staff responsible for the hall requirements. The physical site inspection includes inspection of ingredients declared, storage of raw materials and finished products, cold rooms, processing plant – manufacturing flows and handling aspects during production, packaging materials, general hygiene, quality control and assurance practices. The discussion with the senior personnel of the company and the production staff responsible for the hall compliance is to confirm the observation findings and the necessary recommendation are duly endorsed as correct by the parties concerned.
Report Preparation
Technical inspectors conducting the inspection and analysis had given a thumbs-up status of the application.
Evaluation Committee and Recommendation
The report was then tabled and evaluated by the JAKIM committee for issuing Halal Certificate. The much respected and globally accepted HALAL certificates and permission to use the Halal Logo was granted to Capville Food (M) Sdn Bhd.

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